Justin Bieber:Nipo mpweke sana toka nime mbali na Selena Gomez

The truth comes out: Justin Bieber is pretty bummed about his breakup with Selena Gomez. The superstar opened up about the split for the first time with Billboard magazine recently.
The Biebs explained: "There's so many rumors. People say I call Selena every day and she won't pick up the phone or I'm chasing her down, and these are all fakes stories."
"I don't go on blogs or anything like that. I hear things," he added. "People tell me if something happens on the Internet. It gets back to me, definitely."
The interviewer asked if he was "pretty heartbroken" after the breakup, and the singer replied:
"I'm not in the happiest place that I've ever been. I'm trying to get through what I'm going through. Like I said, I have my really close friends to cheer me up and keep me going."
Despite the heartache, Bieber added. "I don't have any regrets. I live and I learn. My mom says, "You got to learn the hard way, don't you?" That's me. I learn the hard way. But it's about how I pick myself up and be better and stronger."
After the breakup, questionable pot pictures, a buttcrack shot, and a weird gym incident, it looks like Bieber will be doing a lot of learning this year.

Milan Tomic

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